Webinars are popular. It sometimes seems like everyone is hosting live webinars. The reason is simple; a free webinar training course works, and works extremely well for those who know what they are doing.
Anyone can set up a webinar with the right strategy. You will need to know how to plan a webinar, and how to create a webinar, learn webinar presentation best practices, the tips and tricks that work, and put it all into practice.
At this point you may be wondering…
What is a webinar?
We get the modern made-up word, webinar, from the concept of a seminar on the web. You can think of it as a kind of conference or presentation conducted through the internet. Webinars are usually delivered live in real time, but are often recorded as well for later viewing.
Just like a standard conference or presentation, there can be interaction between the presenter and the audience with a webinar. In fact, interaction is an essential part of any successful webinar.
One or more persons are required to act as the presenter or presenters of the webinar. Anyone with an internet connection from anywhere in the world can then join the webinar to watch and listen.
The degree of participation of audience members is usually controlled by the presenter, and may be limited to simply answering questions via a text chat box, for example.
The presenter may additionally conduct a poll to see what the general consensus is regarding a particular topic. This might be done to reinforce a particular point of view that the presenter wants the participants to concentrate on in the lead up to the main focus of the webinar.
Desktop sharing is a common feature of webinars. The presenter can show almost anything to the attendees through sharing. Common features of webinars through desktop sharing include the display of web pages, PowerPoint presentations, videos, charts, and much more.
Webinars VS Online Training Courses
The immediacy and the participation involved with webinars arguably provide a more interesting and engaging experience than online training courses do. In this way they are somewhat more akin to a university lecture.
Online training courses, by contrast, have the advantage of being able to deliver a more in-depth view of a topic. Student are able to study the course at their own pace, returning to certain sections for more clarification where and when necessary.
A webinar is usually made up of two distinct parts: the informational section, and the selling section. Of course, a free nonprofit webinar does not sell anything and is generally only informational.
Online training courses usually cost money, often quite a lot. It is not unusual to find training courses being offered for amounts in excess of four figures. You can even find online training courses offered for amounts well into five figures!
By contrast, a free webinar training course is what is usually offered as the organizers expect to recoup their expenses and make a profit through selling something. Any participants who choose not to buy what is on offer do not necessarily miss out, however, as a good webinar will also deliver free, useful and practical information that anyone can take and put to use.
How to Create a Successful Webinar!
You first need to learn how to plan a webinar that gets people excited and convinced that your webinar is worth sticking around for. The introduction is arguably the most important part. This is where you have to get people excited. This is where your skills at creating content for a webinar matters most. Your audience must feel excited, anticipating all the good stuff you have promised them will come.
Who are those people who make up your webinar audience? They should be the people who are the most desperate to find a solution to their problem. They should also be the most motivated to discover what the solution is. That is your perfect audience.
Plan your introduction in such a way that your audience becomes convinced that you have the answer to their problem. They have to believe there is a solution, a key that will unlock the doors, and that you will provide that solution to them in your webinar. This is one of the most important webinar presentation best practices that you must master.
When the audience feels there is fresh hope where none existed before, they will stay with the webinar right to the end, if the webinar content delivers on the promise made in the introduction.
5 Steps For Planning Successful Webinars
- The first part of the webinar content must define the outcome. They have been convinced through the introduction that there is a solution to their problem. Now is the time to tell them exactly what the outcome will be for them if they stick with the webinar right to the end. Make the outcome irresistible!
- The next part of the main content is to provide a step-by-step account of how they will achieve the desired outcome. You have to explain why the steps they are about to be shown are important, and they have to visualize the process. Get them to take the necessary action in their minds first. Get them to see for themselves how it will happen.
- The actual strategy comes next. Here you tell them what to do and how to do it. Make it simple and easy. Try to amaze them that the steps are really so easy to do. This will excite them, and compel them to find out more.
- If you do this free training part of the webinar properly, you will have taken up 45 minutes to an hour of time, more or less. That isn’t as long as it sounds. Live webinars provide the opportunity to build anticipation and expectation. The participants will stick with the presentation if you have successfully convinced them that the webinar outcome will be the best solution to their problem.
- After you have shown them the step-by-step strategy, you need to get a commitment from them. They have to commit to actually taking the necessary steps needed to achieve the goal. They have to make a promise to do so. If, at this stage, they make that promise, that firm commitment, they will almost certainly keep it!
In Conclusion
The second section of your free webinar training course, the selling part, or close, should be detailed in your webinar closing script. This is where you sell the now enthusiastic audience on your unique solution to their problem.
The main purpose of the close is to prove to the webinar participants just how valuable the solution you are offering them really is.
Your offer is introduced within the first five minutes of the close section. You tell the audience what they will receive, relating it to their problem’s solution. Then you tell them the price they have to pay the get the solution.
Next, you should introduce your bonuses, which will make the offer more attractive. Three bonuses is a good number to offer. However, you also introduce scarcity, telling them they have to act quickly in order to get the bonuses as they won’t be available for long. Or, that they can get extra bonuses, but only if they act quickly.
The guarantee is introduced next. You remind them of the price they have to pay – but then you tell them that any risk there might be is covered by a solid guarantee, which effectively removes the risk. All they have to do is say ‘yes’ to your offer.
There will likely be objections arising in some people’s minds, so this is the time for you to address the objections. Tell them what they might be thinking and worrying about, then tell them why this is not a problem, or why the perceived difficulty is easily overcome.
The success of a free webinar training course is down to this fairly simple formula. It consists of the introduction, the main content and the close.
The introduction convinces the audience that you have the solution to their problem. The main webinar content tells them what the outcome will be, detailing the steps and the strategy required to get there. The close then sells them on your solution. This is the power of well-planned and well-presented live webinars. This is a formula that anyone can master, and that includes you!
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