An increasing number of regular people just like you and me are coming to realize the tremendous advantages of becoming a consultant. Consultants make more money when they learn the right skills to close deals. Top Gun Consulting ToolKit is a new business opportunity created by Mike Koenigs and Ed Rush, two famous marketers and consultants. If you want to reach financial freedom in less than a couple of years, this opportunity is specially created for you.
Facts and Statistics
According to Plunkett Research, the consulting market has grown from $391 billion to over $415 billion only in the past year. Moreover, The U.S. Bureau of Labor reports that consulting is expected to grow by 83% this year, becoming the fastest growing industry in America.
Both Forbes and INC Magazine are saying that a business in this space (even if they’re home based) is one of the top 10 most profitable business types you can run or start this year. According to eConsultancy, 71% of businesses plan to spend more on digital marketing technology in 2013 – making it a no-brainer to get into consulting with digital marketing. According to the Consultant’s Bible, there are about 400,000 people in the U.S. calling themselves consultants. You can become one of them with ease by following all the tips and advice offered by Mike and Ed in Top Gun Consulting Toolkit.
What you Will Learn in this Video Series
Forbes and Inc magazine are calling that being a consultant is one of the most profitable businesses to start this year. In these video series called “Top Gun Toolkit”, you’ll also learn how to gain an unfair advantage in your niche with virtually no risk, the highest chances of success and in the shortest period of time. You will be introduced to a famous billionaire who is working with over 250 huge corporate businesspeople. Together, he and Mike will show you the most common 4 mistakes people make when they want to make money. You will learn how to avoid them and how to easily profit from your expertise, experience, wisdom and know-how.
Consultants make more money when they learn how to close deals. A consultant leverages his expertise, knowledge or story to provide professional advice. The first video in the series is about closing deals and delivering results. With Top Gun Consulting Toolkit, no matter what is your background and experience, you can reinvent yourself to impact more lives and live your own retirement dream.
Consulting can lead you to meeting new people, access new opportunities and get a hold of your financial future. It is well known that consultants make more money than regular people, live more connected, live more meaningful lives, impact more people and have more freedom to set their own schedules. Consulting is a lifestyle business; this is what Top Gun Consulting Toolkit is all about.
Things you Need in Order to be Successful as a Consultant
There are a couple of things you will need in order to make the most out of this opportunity:
1. A desire and willingness to help out people
2. The boldness to ask for the sale
If you manage to get these two skills, you will get to earn a 6 or 7 figure income working part-time. The good news is that you can become a consultant in almost any niche. With Top Gun Consulting Toolkit, you can easily become a marketing consultant, business coach, health, nutrition, weight loss consultant or financial coach. Moreover, you can help professionals leverage modern marketing technology, getting published online, creating unique products and promoting their businesses via email and video marketing campaigns. The possibilities are literally endless.
Top Gun Consulting Toolkit offers dozens of consulting ideas that help you make money by capitalizing on your skills, ideas and strong points.
Ground Rules
Before moving forward, it is important to see some of the ground rules needed during these presentations offered by Mike and Ed:
1. Everything Mike and Ed teach will work here.
Top Gun Consulting Toolkit is not only theory, is practice. Thousands of entrepreneurs from all over the world have managed to be successful implementing the ideas found in this course. The success rate has exceeded 87.5%.
2. These are real stories about real people.
Making money online is the direct result of extensive learning and trying. It all takes time, so be prepared to learn new things while in this process.
Top 4 Mistakes Consultants Make
There are some things that hold people back from making real money as consultants. There are 4 big mistakes you should avoid when deciding to start your own consulting business:
1. Most people feel like they are not experts, so they don’t think they can become a consultant.
You need to understand that “in the land of blind, the one eyed man is king!. This quote applies perfectly to this consulting opportunity. The point is that you don’t need to know EVERYTHING about a specific topic to become a successful consultant. All you need to know is just a little bit more to make an exponential difference in the life of a client.
2. Not asking for the sale.
Zig Ziglar, the famous Christian motivational speaker and salesman, has once said that “timid salespeople have skinny kids”. What he wanted to say is that timid salespeople will not have the chance of becoming successful in their niches. This process is not that hard, because each person you are talking to expects you to propose him a deal. At the end of the conversation, simply look the potential customer straight into the eyes and ask him if he wants to become partner with you. However, remember not to talk about the price yet, because you might lose your customer before the deal is sealed.
3. Not valuing your time.
You can get anything back, except your time. Always value the price of your time and stay focused at your work.
4. Not having the right tools & systems to back you up
The last mistake you need to elude is not having the necessary marketing tools at your disposal. Top Gun Consulting Toolkit contains several unique tools & strategies that help you create a powerful marketing strategy in as little as 30 minutes.
In the next video, you’ll hear our 5-Part Formula for closing deals and delivering a great product. You’ll also get our 6 Pricing Models that you can use right now. Learn more about Top Gun Consulting Toolkit and download free PDF here.
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