Even though it might seem impossible, the truth is that there is a secret hidden in the professional sports world. It can propel people into growing a wildly successful business in just 90 days with more control and greater financial rewards than any other business opportunity. This secret exists and it’s called The 90 Day Year system. The creator of this amazing concept is Todd Herman.
Who is Todd Herman?
This whole new concept is promoted by Todd Herman, a visionary who is well known in the sports world. His innovative approaches help teams and individual players achieve their full potential on the field and crush any barriers they might hit along the way.
This enthusiastic coach has managed to spike the interest of many professional players who managed to overcome game distractions, poor game planning, and negative thinking patterns by following Todd’s innovative approaches. Almost everyone, from the professional football player in Europe, to the tough rugby player in New Zealand, and the athlete in Africa, has at some point in life collided with one of Todd’s ideologies.
Todd Herman has managed to surprise everyone once again by creating one of the most comprehensive business opportunities for regular people, using the already successful patterns he implemented in sports. He uses step-by-step game plans to help people rapidly build their own businesses. Todd works with over 10,000 athletes from around the world and 86 olympics. Additionally, Todd is also a famous motivational speaker and business entrepreneur, leading one of the biggest entrepreneurship companies in the world. Ultimately, Todd has been recently named the world’s greatest sales person at the Cannes International Advertising Festival. He has appeared at Sky Business news, Today Show, The New York Times, Boston Herald, and the list goes on.
With so many credentials, there is no doubt that Todd Herman is the real deal, and all his programs are successful.
The Next Level Business Navigator
The amazing news is that this business opportunity is for everyone. Regardless of your skills and knowledge, you can tap into Todd’s program and start making a 6-figure income within months. In this program, Todd uses the Next Level Business Navigator which is comprised of 5 stages of business growth. As an entrepreneur, you need to focus on each stage in order to grow your business and make a positive impact on your clients.
Here are the 5 stages of the Next Level Business Navigator.
1. The Dream up Stage – This stage is the place where everyone starts. An idea is born, an idea to find a new business opportunity. The key in this stage is getting answers. There are essentially three things that are happening in the dream up stage. First off, there is no money at this level. There is also a lot of time wasted. To top it all, there is a lot of worry and doubt, whether in yourself or in your circumstances.
As an entrepreneur, you will have to deal with all these things happening in the dream stage and overcome them in order to thrive. Each of these levels has one major pitfall. For instance, the dream up stage comes with the following pitfall – not talking to the market you want to serve. To avoid falling into this pitfall, you need to start talking to people and discover what your target market wants. Once you do that, you will be able to move on to the next level.
2. The Start up Stage – At this stage, you need to remain focused. You’ve already started your venture and you’re actually getting money coming in. Unlike in the dream up stage, in the start up stage your time is now being eaten up by the wide variety of hats you have to wear as the boss. There is absolutely no time for anything else. Being overwhelmed is a completely natural aspect of this stage. During this stage, you need to learn how to manage your money wisely and remember not to lose focus. These are the two main pitfalls of the start up stage. As a bonus stage, we can take into consideration your lack of ideas and creativity in marketing your business. This stage is all about marketing, so don’t forget this important aspect.
3. The Ramp up Stage – Once you manage to stay focused on your revenue and are able to boost your sales, you have reached the Ramp up Stage. This is one of the most tricky phases, as it is all about systems. However, the great thing about this stage is that it comes with excellent revenue numbers. With all that, you are still busy and you might get frustrated and you might doubt that you’ll never get out of this hamster wheel you are spinning into. To get out of this level, you need systems. Avoid the pitfalls of the ramp up stage, such as not implementing the systems, not offloading the systems, and not working on personal leadership skills.
4. The Scale Up Stage – At Scale Up, the quality people is of paramount importance. The idea of building a high-quality business on the back of low-quality staff should never cross your mind. At this level, you will also enjoy a lot of free time which you can use to travel, play golf with your buddies, or start a new business. However, even though being at this stage is amazing indeed, you need to stay away from the three pitfalls present here: bad communication, bureaucracy bloat, and owner tinkering. To get to the next level, you need to focus more on hiring quality people than on managing your business.
5. The Leader up Stage – You will continue to stay at this stage by continuing to grow. At the Leader up Stage, you will enjoy outstanding revenue, a lot of free time and a deep sense of pride. The two main pitfalls here are leadership errors and ignoring the market forces.
The Next Level Business Navigator provides you with enough resources to be successful in your journey to become your own business owner. Stay in touch for more amazing information about the 90 Day Year business opportunity.
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