Today you will discover the model used by Matt Clark and his experienced team from Amazing.com to create $82 million in sales by selling just one course over a period of four years. In fact, what you are about to discover is a tool that has helped Matt’s team to generate a whopping $22 million in sales over just 8 days.
The team from Amazing.com has developed a step-by-step system to producing massive demand for great products in a very short amount of time. You can use this innovative system to help change thousands of lives, just like Matt has done with his amazingly successful ASM. With the information you are about to discover, you will be able to share your products and services with millions of people from all around the world.
A System for Every Business Owner
This system does not require you to be a marketing genius. You just need to follow a few straightforward steps. You have probably already done the hard work setting your digital presence and preparing your brand. Now you are ready to get customers, but you are not sure how to get the right people to buy from you. Here is where the Launch Evolution System comes in, enabling you to convince people that your product will solve their products and exceed their expectations.
Whether you’re selling an online course, digital product, software, coaching, event tickets, or anything else, you can now capitalize on the success-proven Launch Evolution system. This program is the best in its class for enabling you to achieve success in your niche by maximizing sales and setting yourself apart in your niche.
The model included in the Launch Evolution system is able to generate buzz, excitement, and a strong desire to buy. The whole idea behind this tool is learning how to do proper product launches and discovering how to properly interact with prospects. With a single successful launch, you can change the course of your company forever. You can produce hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars, in profit, with just a single launch done the right way.
Without further ado, this is how to do a product launch the right way.
Doing a Product Launch the Right Way
Launch Evolution system comes with a whole new approach to product launches. The reason this program works so well is that it comes with a compounding effect. Rather than slowly trickling out marketing efforts over time, a great launch squeezes everything into a very short period. Because of this time constraint, everyone, including partners, customers, and affiliates get excited. All of this buzz can result in you selling much more in a single launch than if you had spread it out over an entire year. Plus, you can get tons of testimonials and reviews that keep growing your business even beyond this launch.
There are three main factors that determine the success of your launch:
- Offer: first, you need an irresistible offer. You need something so good, unique, and compelling that people absolutely can’t wait to get their hands on what you are selling.
- Model: second, you need a proven model for executing the launch. This is your step-by-step guide on creating and releasing carefully-crafted content to assure people that what you offer will solve their problems.
- Traffic: third, you need traffic. You can have the best offer and the most compelling launch model, but if nobody sees it, than it doesn’t affect anyone. To do a massive launch, you need a massive amount of highly targeted traffic.
All of these three factors make up the total launch system. All you need to do in order to have a successful launch is to follow each step and commit to the process. For that, Matt and his team are launching four unique videos.
In the first video of the series, whose information will be highlighted below, you learn how to create an irresistible offer.
In the second video, Matt will walk you through their full launch model. You will learn about each piece of content in the process and how it’s used, plus you will understand how to plan and execute your own massive launch.
In the third video of Launch Evolution, you will discover the only two sources of traffic that you need for a successful launch. One of these you can turn on in about 10 minutes, while the other takes more time but produces around 95% of sales.
Finally, in the fourth and final video, Matt is going to share with you the details of a brand new program he and his team have created that walks you through each step of implementing Launch Evolution for yourself. This includes everything from writing each piece of launch content, setting up the funnel, executing the launch, and the list goes on.
Secrets of a Winning Product Launch
Whenever someone wants to buy something, they want to solve a problem. It could be anything from buying a dishwasher to save time or getting jewelry in order to impress friends. However, each purchase comes with a risk. The dishwasher might break in a week, while the jewelry might be fake.
For you to sell a massive amount of your product or service, you need to strategically use these two primary components to your advantage. You need to know the main result your product delivers and the risks you are asking the buyer to assume to purchase your product.
First, think of the result your product delivers. Is it more sales, more time, less wait, or better ROI? This becomes the cornerstone of your offer. You see, you should never sell just your product. You want to use the result your product delivers to build an attractive package. By doing this, you can outsell your competition, plus you create an offer that goes above and beyond what any of your competitors can offer.
For instance, let’s say that you offer a course on public speaking. While the course alone is worth $400, you can also offer additional items such as a step-by-step speech preparation guide, pre-written templates, mini course on creating impactful keynote presentations, a live Skype speech review, and a speech day checklist, which can cost anywhere from $200 to $500. You can sell the whole package for just $600 and stir the interests of your prospects while making more sales.
You don’t want to think in terms of product price, but in terms of the value you are offering to the end buyer. When Matt started out on ASM, he and his team didn’t sell just a course, but they included multiple software tools to save clients’ time, a private community for networking, life coaching with up to date strategies, pre-written templates, and even a 3-day live event. Not one of these components was included to add fake value to the product. Every single component was included to help people get quicker and faster results.
In a nutshell, if you provide value at a great price, you will double, triple, and multiply many times more your sales. Your prospects will realize that you are genuine and will keep coming to buy from you. Rather than selling a product, try to craft an irresistible offer. To do that, you need to use all three components used by Launch Evolution.
1. Build your Total Package
The first and most important component of an irresistible offer is building a complete package around your product. By doing this, you are able to differentiate your product from your competitors. You are also adding more value which boosts your sales and increases your ROI.
Here are some of the items you can add to your basic product to boost its value:
- A complementary product, which can be anything that sells well with your product
- Instructions manual or how-to guide
- Useful checklist
- Online video training and checklist
- Mentoring or coaching sessions
- Webinars
- Software tools
- Pre-written templates
- Bags or carrying cases
- Discounts on similar services or accessories
One of the best way to come up with a unique, useful product package is to put yourself into the shoes of your customers and try to determine what items would interest them more during the buying journey process. Build a package of 3-5 items, including the main product to maximize your impact.
2. Eliminate Risks
After putting together the offer package, it is time to eliminate the risks. Your goal is to eliminate as many risks as possible for the customer in order to streamline the buying process and make it easy for your prospects to buy from you. Some of the risks you want to eliminate are the financial fear that the investment won’t pay off, the time risk that they will lose time trying out your product, and lastly the opportunity risk – they could have spent their time trying a better product and leveraging a better opportunity instead of trying your own product.
Some of the risk-reversal options you should consider are:
- 100% money back guarantee
- Free product replacement
- Double-your-money guarantee
- Time-limited guarantee: 30, 60, 90, or 120 days
3. Add Scarcity
Finally, in order to sell as much as possible into a short timeframe, you need to capitalize on the power of scarcity. You literally need to inject a strong dose of scarcity into your launch event. This could mean:
- Allowing only a certain number of sales
- Increasing the product price after the launch
- Removing the product off the market after the launch
- Removing a bonus component
- Giving incentives or offering a special bonus only to people who have subscribed during the event
The Next Steps
No matter your market, your experience in marketing, or the type of product you sell, you can increase your sales dramatically by crafting a well-planned irresistible offer. Launch Evolution is a brand new program for your next product launch. Stay tuned for the next three videos in the series and get ready to capitalize on the best product launch system you’ll ever come across.
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