Calling ALL BALLER Entrepreneurs!
How To IMMEDIATELY Double, Triple, or
10x Your Sales by Crushing Any Objections
Intro To Murder The Objection
Ever wondered what the world’s top marketer thinks, plans and executes to make hundreds of millions of dollars?
Welcome to "Murder The Objection"
I'm super stoked to share with you all about a special LIVE Mastermind meetup that Jason Fladlien, known as the "$100 Million Webinar King," just held last month.
It’s essential training for anyone wanting to turn any objections into the biggest opportunities and massive profits.
Out of all the training Jason has ever done so far, this one is my personal favorite and you'll see why below.
You can watch Session #1 for free if you want.
In case you're not familiar, this 9-figure marketer holds an unbeatable record as a #1 affiliate, as well as the #1 product launch in history.
Nobody else has even come close, except Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi with Project Next recently, but as far as I know, Jason's team was still above them.
If you're looking for the real secret of growing your business to 6, 7, or 8 figures and beyond, what's holding you back isn't the lack of some system or secret.
Instead it's your ability to crush the objection that's holding you back.
Today, you get to tap into Jason's superpower by watching and studying this $5,000 Mastermind event recording.
Don't worry, you won’t be paying anywhere near that.
As a matter of fact, for a limited time, you can watch the first session absolutely FREE here.
So, how good was this training?
It might be hard to believe, but what I'm about to tell you is a true story...
By the end of the second session, Mark Anthony, a baller entrepreneur, felt he had already received so much more value from the event than he had paid for, that he requested to pay another $5,000 fee!
Can you imagine that?
That's how CRAZY GOOD it was!
This made me think...what's the rationale behind paying extra $5,000?
In Mark's mind, he must have already made some serious money. (Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching!)
Perhaps by 10X or 100X. Who knows?
Or he might have had one of those powerful "Aha!" moments...Something that he has been struggling with for many years, and Jason delivered the solution on a silver platter.
Or it could have been a combination of both!
Anyway, when that request that Mark wants to pay another $5,000 came to Jason from his assistant, you know what he said?
OMG...I’m still recovering from the shock of finding out.
He replied with three words.
Once you master how to not just handle sales objections but obliterate them, you can pretty much achieve ANYTHING that your mind desires.
It's that POWERFUL!
But... be mindful what you wish for when using this amazing objection handling techniques.
Upon completing this course, you will be able to create better content more quickly and have a bigger impact, and boost your sales & revenues as a result.
Whether you already are a successful product creator, an entrepreneur, a marketer, a coach, an investor, or just becoming one, it doesn't matter.
You need this one skill to up your game in marketing.
What Jason teaches here IS the single most important skill of all for 2024 and beyond.
It's a must-have KILLER objection handling training that can seriously affect your future.
However, this is available for a limited time only.
Grab it ASAP while you can, or you'll be kicking yourself later for a VERY long time.
What Is Murder The Objection?
This 15-person, intimate, private 2-day event took place quietly in Valencia, CA this year.
As you can see above, it's called Murder The Objection Live with Jason Fladlien.
Most people “handle” or “deal” with objections, but Jason destroys objections.
Because whoever you want to sell is only as ready as their excuses.
Objections are the chains that handcuff people to mediocrity, and if you unlock those chains, guess what happens?
You take people to new heights.
That’s why selling is the best-paid activity in the world... if you do it right.
Many smart people say Jason is the best salesperson they know. He certainly has an incredible track record.
But what a pity it is that he has NEVER shared even 5% of these objection-smashing techniques before.
Want to be the first to use them in your business to make more money than ever, while being more helpful to those you serve?
What you’ll discover will up the game in your sales copy, video sales letters, Facebook ads, webinars, in person, on stage, in one-on-one scenarios, and one-to-many situations.
In short, it will turbocharge any interaction you have with any lead, visitor, prospect, customer, or client.
It's a Killer Communication Strategy.
Here's what you'll master:
- Why the monetary objection is often irrelevant... But you'll lose if you accuse them of lying about it! (Discover, how to MURDER it instead...)
- The #1 way to murder the "time" objection - and some other ways you need to implement in your sales pitch
- How to speak in your customer's language with authenticity.
- How to use objections to your advantage (This makes objections much less likely to stick...)
- Eye-opening frame change that will get rid of your internal roadblocks to successfully market and sell
- And much more!
Why Most Marketers Fail?
When your marketing doesn’t go well, you can’t just blame and scream at your cat, as some smart ones are capable of dropping f-bombs.
Now, let me ask you a question.
Do you like selling?
It turns out that most people don’t.
Maybe it’s because they’re not good at it.
Or maybe they don’t like to be sold to, who knows?
It's really strange that many people LOVE buying, but hate to be sold to…
But selling is essential, and without selling, nothing starts.
Now, let’s look at selling from a different perspective for a second.
It makes a world of difference what attitude you bring when selling.
If someone’s attitude is about taking something from you, then you will resist for sure.
But if someone’s attitude is about helping you, then you probably won't resist as much.
Now there’s a way that people will rush to buy whatever you’re selling.
They will be so desperate to buy from you, as if their lives depend on it…
Not by manipulation, but by using authenticity, logic and empathy...
Good marketers know how to fight without fighting, and destroy any objections!
You’ll be learning such secrets from Jason Fladlien.
Most marketers fails because they don't give much thought to objection handling. Good marketers eliminate the objection differently.
What’s the difference between an OK product launch and a great launch?
It’s how you anticipate and respond to customer objections. But there’s a twist.
An OK marketer would start their pitch and handle objections one by one - most often in an almost random order. By the way, it doesn’t matter what the media is - webinar, VSL, sales letter, phone call… whatever.
A great marketer would study their audience and eliminate objections one by one starting with the biggest ones and then slowly eliminating the rest.
A black-belt-ninja-karate-mma objection-defying marketer?
They would destroy the objections… most of them before they even occur.
So… handling is for OK marketers. Eliminating is for great marketers. Destroying or even murdering? For those who want to do beyond great.
Here’s Jason's approach to downright murdering customer objections.
Keep in mind that Jason’s presentation is pretty advanced stuff.
Within 30 seconds, sometimes he says 3-5 jaw-dropping things, so you want to watch it a few times.
You want to think how to implement it to your own business while watching it.
Whether you're aware or not, we all have developed our own self-limiting belief...
Jason's training removes that biggest roadblock.
I bet if you watch it a few times, you'll have the BIGGEST life-changing experience.
So...Who Is Jason Fladlien, Really?
Jason Fladlien has been called many names.
Some called him the $100 Million Man, while others called him the Webinar King.
A "guru to the gurus"...
He was even called a Hare Krishna monk turned rapper at one time…
But one thing is for sure.
A very small number of marketers on the planet have been able to accomplish what Jason has done.
Jason has sold over $250 million of products to 150,000+ customers in 131 countries and holds multiple online marketing records - such as the biggest launch ever in the history of internet marketing that did $57 million.
But, you'll find out that he rarely does things the way someone else does them after you learn what he does and how he does it.
That makes a lot of sense since, as you'll probably agree, if you approach things the "usual" way, you'll end up broke, stressed out, and watching your dreams vanish over time.
Jason wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth!
Quite the opposite.
He made a living by painting houses for $12 per hour. his start at article marketing, wrote articles for other marketers at $5 each, and essentially did all he could to figure out how to make money online.
After selling his first information product, everything sort of clicked for him. Even though it only cost $4, a lot of people seemed to enjoy it, giving him his first taste of success, if only in the most humble sense.
He pushed, but then...
Nearly worked himself into an untimely grave!
He soon found himself in a hospital, after what turned out to be a severe panic attack.
He thus came to the conclusion that simply working harder than everyone else was not an option.
Instead, he would grow so adept at the most crucial skill there is—selling—that he could persuade anyone to buy anything in a fraction of the time it takes everyone else.
His uncanny ability to handle objections when pitching in sales letters, in VSLs, on webinars, on stages, or in face-to-face situations was the key to his success.
The Bottom Line Is...
Handling objections is one of the most important things you can do in online marketing. Destroying them, not just handling them.
Jason spent years and hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of dollars perfecting his techniques, but you can copy them now over the weekend.
Why It Matters?
"Being able to sell" is the key skill that Inc. Magazine's talking about.
That's right... it's the subtle art of taking a "no" and turning it into a "yes".
Aren't you tired of hearing those "Thanks, but no thanks" - or if you're not selling face to face, people just quietly abandoning your sales page, webinar, or VSL?
If so, you're going to LOVE Murder The Objection by Jason Fladlien!
Many marketers try to sell products by saying "buy this" and "buy that", without thoroughly analyzing the objections that customers may have.
And they wonder why they’re not getting a lot of sales…
Smart marketers do things differently.
Very few are obsessed with every one of the thousands of comments from their customers like Jason is.
His ability to analyze customer psychology is just INSANE!
Like a bloodhound who has a 2100 times better sense of smell than humans…
What happens once you learn how to handle objections?
Automatic EPIC sales!
As mentioned, Jason and his team had impressive, massive success last year. They did $57 million with a single course, called The Plan, in 2021.
However, Jason has NEVER revealed the secrets of handling the objection in detail before...until now.
You can now learn everything he has been hiding from the public's eyes and smash any objection immediately after watching the training below.
This is a MUST-WATCH training that'll transform your business!
Do yourself a huge favor and get the training ASAP…and you'll thank me later ;-)
7 Reasons To Check Out This Objection Handling Training
- This is the little hinge that will swing open the biggest door to the vault with the most amount of profits. Any business lives or dies on the sales it is able to generate… and customer objections are the biggest roadblock you’ll encounter when selling.
- Shows you how to prevent most objections from even occurring. Do it right and there won’t be many left to deal with… making selling way easier and more fun than you ever thought possible.
- Get your kids to clean up their room… or your boss to give you a raise. You, I, and everyone is dealing with objections every day - even if we’re not selling in a traditional sense. Yet, look at the big picture. Even if you’re just talking to a friend about what you should get for lunch when you go out, you might be selling them on your model of reality and dealing with their objections.
- Even if you don’t have a list or a product, this might very well be the first step towards building another independent income stream. Become good at handling objections… and you solve the traffic problem by selling someone on the idea of promoting your product. Or create a product that fixes a problem and does not introduce new objections when doing so… and you’re going to see some serious money.
- Changes your framework from not being able to sell, to absolutely enjoying every minute of it. Personally I didn’t think it was possible… but as you watch the training, your perspective will shift. I can guarantee you that!
- Teaches you how to respond… instead of reacting to objections as they occur. As much as we wish we could, we’re not able to remove every single objection beforehand. So some of them will have to be handled “live” - even if it’s not actually live, like in a VSL or a sales letter. In the training, you’ll get tools to do just that to almost any objection a customer might throw your way… even if you are not prepared!
- It’s about the only thing you can start doing right now that a million or even a hundred million dollar business will likely do worse than you (if they haven’t seen this).
Of course, there are a lot more reasons why I think you should check out Jason’s training, but considering that you get the first session for free… I think the best approach is to go here and watch it.
It’ll give you not just valuable insights on its own, but also show you what’s possible when you watch the rest of the training.
Everyone Is A Die-Hard Buyer At Heart!
One of the most profound moment of realization came to me when Jason Fladlien said:
Everyone is a Die-Hard buyer at heart.
"Right now they've bought into the limiting beliefs that keep them emotionally, spiritually and financially poor.
Give them something to buy that they need and want, and present it to them in a way they can understand why not buying it is more costly."
When he talked about it this time, it made me really think…
Is that really true that everyone is a die-hard buyer?
Then it dawned on me.
Whether we’re aware of it or not yet, we ARE all die-hard buyers at heart!
When someone say "no", it means “no, given what I know currently.”
When you help them see the whole picture from the different perspective, they'll say, "Yes!".
Who wouldn't want something that help them accomplish their goals?
Have you ever noticed that we sell things everyday, everywhere?
For example, at home…
When your kids to clean their room or mow the grass, you’re selling your idea to them.
Or when you ask other-half to buy a Jimmy Choo handbag or another diamond ring you always wanted, you ARE selling your idea.
It happens all the time at your home, workplace, and everywhere in-between.
Politicians too are always trying to sell their idea all the time.
Extreme actions can take place as a result, all over the world.
Like it's happening right now.
Because everyone is a die-hard buyer at heart, they buy all kinds of ideas all the time.
So learning the art of how to handle the objection, in my opinion, is absolutely necessary not just to make money, but for anything else you do.
When your take Jason’s Murder The Objection course, you'll learn the brand new ways to easily destroy the objection!
The side effect of learning this skill is that money follows you too.
This one skill alone can change the quality of your life for the better.
Being confidant that you CAN handle any situations is a great experience in itself.
Once you master this skill, you’ll feel like you have upgraded yourself to First Class in life!
You can start feeling like a million dollars when you watch this training.
How Jason Destroys The Objection Differently
Here's the dirty little secret.
Jason does marketing VERY differently from anybody else I’ve seen.
He doesn’t follow others, he invents new things.
For example, we all know that for any sales to take place, you need traffic and conversion.
Most people struggle with traffic and pay an arm and a leg for all different sorts of traffic.
How much does Jason pay for traffic?
Actually, he gets paid for the crazy traffic he gets…
How’s that even possible?
He uses affiliates.
You might be thinking it must cost a lot of money to get and keep many affiliates.
He CHARGES affiliates every single month to be his affiliates, and affiliates are the ones that pay for the traffic!
You might think that those affiliates must be pretty stupid.
Well, not really.
They probably make more money than most affiliates because they only promote the best of the best.
And Jason closes the sales, so conversion goes through the roof!
Jason coined the term Quadwin, which means product creators wins, affiliates win, customers win, you win, so EVERYBODY WINS!
I can’t think of a better system than that!
So…what's in it for you?
You will learn totally new, mind-blowing, unconventional ways to destroy the objection. Here are 5 different secret weapons (training framework) that you can use to unlock your full marketing potential:
1. Authenticity - Learn how to show up in a way that your customers resonate with you, trust and understand who you are.
2. Emotional Safety - Learn how to create an environment where customers open up and buy more from you.
3. Philosophy - Learn how to create a mental picture of you helping and saving customers from their suffering.
4. Strategy - Learn how to structure your strategies the right way.
5. Technique - Learn how to gather and execute all of your closes, tactics, word-for-word setups, etc.
Jason will deep dive into each one of them to unleash your marketing genius!
Why Jason Does What He does
How a Disabled Dog and a Desperate Dad With a Dreadful Disease Dodged Death
Jason is a powerful storyteller…
Without spoiling it too much for you, here’s the short version.
You might need a few tissues for the story he tells at the end of the workshop.
It’s about how Jason helped his old man by giving a message of hope and encouragement.
After a stroke, Jason’s dad was in such bad shape that nobody was able to help him.
Jason told the old man the story about how his dog, his best friend who couldn’t walk, can now walk again after loving care.
The message Jason gave the old man helped him so much that he always remembers it and feels grateful.
Then Jason realized that we, struggling entrepreneurs, can maybe use his gift of communication strategies, so we can believe in ourselves and perhaps accomplish things that previously were not possible.
Jason’s workshop comes from that deep desire to help you succeed, both in sales and in life.
One of the hardest things to watch this year was the Halloween party tragedy that took place in South Korea…
People got piled on top of one another on the narrow street of Itaewon and they couldn’t move!
By the time the police finally arrived, hundreds of people were already in deep trouble.
I saw one policeman especially, trying desperately to pull somebody out with all of his might, but without success.
Can you imagine the desperation of that policeman and what was going on in his mind?
When I was watching Jason Fladlien talk about his beliefs and philosophy in dealing with customers, I found out it’s similar.
Jason says:
“Every minute you don’t buy it is a minute you continue to suffer.”
It’s like he’s throwing a lifesaver to a drowning man in the ocean.
Some are not even aware of the situation they’re in and they want to stay where they’re at…
If you want to be successful at sales, you want to learn what kind of mindset you need to have from Jason.
While some successful marketers think that it’s a disservice not to sell, Jason goes beyond.
If you have services or products you want to promote, you definitely want to check out Jason’s training on the mindset.
My Objection Handling Experience With Jason Fladlien
Bill Gates says "If I would be given a chance to start all over again, I would choose network marketing".
Interesting, isn't it?
He would do well because he knows how to leverage his resources to destroy any objections.
Here's what I've learned about affiliate marketing from Jason.
What I Experienced As A Customer
Before I became Jason’s affiliate, I was an ASM customer.
When I first attended his webinar training, I was impressed with the quality of his webinar training.
It contained additional information that course creators themselves don’t even talk about, and the vital information to succeed as an Amazon seller.
The problem.
I had already paid $5,000 for the course.
But, his training AND the exclusive bonus offer were so good that it was ridiculous NOT to buy it again!
Honestly, $5,000 at the time was a lot of money for me, and paying twice was painful, as well as complete insanity!
But I had to.
It turned out, I wasn’t the only one. Hundreds of people bought twice just to get the bonuses, including ASM mentors.
In short, what I’ve learned was that, not only do you need compelling bonuses that’d be crazy not to take but you need to break the 4th wall to take customers behind the scene for more rapport. (Jason explains this concept thoroughly in the training).
What I Experienced As An Affiliate
Last year, I promoted The Plan by Dan Hollings as their affiliate.
So I had some training on handling objections as Rapid Crush Insiders and studied Jason's sales presentation process.
They had about 400 affiliates, but Jason’s training blew all of us away!
He has a crazy ability to focus for hours in one sitting and research things that take regular people weeks!
Jason also has another wicked smart partner called Wilson Mattos.
This powerhouse team can talk about world domination 24/7, day and night, laughing. They never get tired and the hardest thing in life for them would be to get off of the webinar while customers have more questions.
The longest webinar they've done so far is 14 hours, but Jason still felt that it was not long enough to serve customers...
So, what I learned from them as an affiliate was that you have to be customer-centric.
The customer comes first regardless of whether you lose some profits or not. Giving the customer the best experience is their priority.
There are many things I've learned from Jason over the years, but if I have to pick a few that really made a difference, they are:
1. The importance of authenticity (meaning, me at my best). You can watch a little snippet here.
2. Being congruent in communication with my market.
3. Beliefs are transferable.
As a result of following some of Jason's communication strategies, my EPC got ridiculously high, and I ended up generating over $1.5 Million in sales.
When you think about the fact that my sales were $300k to $500k in previous years, the number went up significantly.
That's when I realized that Jason's strategy works like a charm.
In short, those two things that I learned as a customer, as well as an affiliate, are probably just 5% of what Jason teaches in Murder the Objection.
If you want to learn 95% of how Jason and his team demolish the objection in sales, click below.
So Who’s This Training For?
This is probably NOT for everyone.
But if you're a baller entrepreneur, this will work like a magic.
At a minimum, you should be selling a product or service online already.
If you’re looking to scale your existing business, this training works great.
Even if you’re already making 9-figures and up, this 2 day training is a must because you won’t find better sales objection training anywhere else.
That’s because Jason Fladlien is “one of the top 5 marketers alive” according to Joe Polish from Genius Network.
But, in terms of sales, Jason has already proved himself as Numero Uno in the world.
Unlike other course creators, Jason has a track record that is both proven and unquestionable.
Now, is this course good if you're just starting out?
I believe this training can be good because it contains the most important foundational, and important subject, which is your mindset.
80% of success depends on it.
How about the people in-between?
This training can be good as well.
Sometimes, that one tip or strategy can be the difference between living financially free or struggling with your life daily.
But I have to say that this training is best for more experienced marketers.
If you’re not sure if you’re even qualified for this sort of training, then all you have to do is to watch the first session, free of charge.
It will become pretty obvious whether you get nothing from this training, or see the amazing money-making opportunities.
Jason has done all the heavy lifting for you, so all you have to do is follow the simple easy-to-follow system.
So, How Much Is Murder The Objection?
After making quarter Billion dollars, Jason Fladlien didn't have to reveal his secrets. He could've kept it all for himself without giving away his strategies.
But that's not Jason Fladlien.
Because he has an unlimited resources, he's not afraid of sharing everything he knows, and start from scratch again.
So, the price of the Murder The Objection LIVE event in Sept was $5,000.
I knew that this training was no ordinary event...
But, have you ever attended any webinars whose content was so good that some people insisted on paying $10,000, even though the regular price is $5,000?
As unbelievable as it may sound, it's a true story.
You can now get the full recording of this Mastermind event. Nothing was edited out.
Here's the good news.
Because Jason wants EVERYONE to succeed in marketing, the price for the MTO recording is slashed to $1,500. (No pun intended)
Wait, there's more.
I’ll be also throwing some exclusive bonuses worth over $1500, so it’s almost like you're getting paid to take this training!
I'm doing this because I believe Jason's training will double, triple your business, as it did for me.
It’s the world-class objection-handling training that you can't find anywhere else right now.
Conclusion - Should You Get It?
It's time to decide.
Jason Fladlien demonstrates real-world, actionable examples from his nine-figure business along with his brilliant insight and research on sales objections at the highest level to show you that entrepreneurs can not only survive, but also thrive.
When you complete this training, you can sell without selling because you know how to use your authenticity to put your customers in an emotionally safe environment and shift their perspective.
It's true...when it comes to objection handling in sales, Jason Fladlien really stands out from the crowd.
When you start asking super successful marketers questions like who influenced them the most, or who is the one person who really made a difference in their career, you start hearing this marketer's name over and over again.
That’s Jason Fladlien.
Honestly, I thought I knew him pretty well until I started watching “Murder The Objection”.
It turned out that I only knew just a little bit about how to overcome objections in sales the right way.
It blew my mind is an understatement.
This training will seriously affect your marketing for good.
It's that good.
Jason is an excellent teacher because he not only teaches theory, but also gives tons of successful examples and data points. (You'll get those PDF that he has never released before).
Now, you can close the sale with confidence from the best of the best in the world!
If you look at the 15 ballers who attended the Murder The Objection LIVE seminar, they're all unusually successful because they are the action takers.
Now, it’s YOUR turn to take action!
You might be thinking, is this course for me?
If you're ready to 10x your sales by smashing any objections and scale your business, this is for you.
If you’re doing over $100k now, and want to scale to millions, this course is GREAT for you!
If you’re doing a million already and want to scale it up to $100 million, this course is PERFECT!
I’ve seen several folks make over $100 million, and they all attribute their success to Jason Fladlien.
Now, the real question you want to ask yourself is: how much money am I currently losing by NOT taking this course?
How do you feel, knowing that you may be losing thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions, by not taking this course?
If you're ready for PROVEN methods to quickly DESTROY any objections for unlimited sales, I recommend you get your hands on Jason’s course ASAP.
Murder the Objection Bonuses
Here are Murder The Objection Bonuses that you'll get for FREE when you join Murder The Objection Mastermind Training:
You'll receive a huge digital binder filled with various sales materials, examples, and swipe files that you can use as inspiration.
Whenever you get stuck in your business, simply flip open your digital binder and take whatever strikes your eye. You'll get going again right away!
How can I end my review without offering exclusive bonuses like Jason talked about, right?
Let's cut to the chase.
Here are your bonuses when you invest in the Murder The Objection training course today:
This amazing bonus is a hidden gem!
As you know, Jason Fladlien is known as $100 million dollar webinar man. This 3 hour video from Genius Network event explains it all.
Jason spilled the beans once and for all on how to profit with one very specific type of webinar... that's as close to passive income as you get.
Here's what you're going to discover:
- The 4 most effective ways to close prospects and sell more of your products and services
- An important psychological difference between LIVE webinars and EVERGREEN webinars
- The 3 biggest problems with evergreen webinars (and the 4 solutions to each problem)
- The Ultimate Evergreen Webinar: My 4-step blueprint for creating the ideal evergreen webinar
- How to get higher webinar registration rates, higher webinar show rates and higher webinar sales rates
- And more!
This bonus is the advanced training to get more out of Murder The Objection.
This extra video training by Jason Fladlien will give you the huge edge over others.
Here's what's waiting for you inside...
- Two motivations of human experience explained... And how to leverage those pre-historic, genetically-ingrained patterns of thinking to sell more... and better! (Oh, and they're NOT created equal... Don't miss this insight!)
- Positive vs. Negative aspects - and what to focus on when you craft your new, irresistible message
- The disconnect between the marketer and the customer and why it prevents you from making money online
- The #1 reason people won't buy what you're selling (it has nothing to do with time or money!) - and how to literally re-program their brains on the fly to suddenly become receptive to your message
- Problem with belief patterns and the proven process to fix them - in a way that opens up their mind for new ideas (including, but not limited to buying your product)
The first few pages will give you more value than 99% of those supposed “complete” a-to-z courses.
Especially when you find out:
- The 5 immediate benefits of using this specific system, plus avoiding the 4 drawbacks it has will catapult you to from getting ZERO hits per day to multiple sales quicker than you ever thought possible.
- The secret of creating content "poorly", yet still ending up with a result miles better than the so called "pros".
- Written content, audio content, video content and more dissected in front of your very eyes so you can see how every type of content gets created - and exploit the system wherever you see fit
- 6 amazing tweaks you can make to your content TODAY that will immediately start attracting more custmers
- How to get into the "flow" when you're creating content so you get 10x as much done in a day (on average, it'll take you 2 hours to do what most people accomplish in 2 days...
Ever since I heard that Tony Robbins listens to audiobooks more these days due to his busy schedule, I started to listen to books and seminars more too.
You can take advantage of the time you have in a car, train, airplane, or whatever.
Personally, I’m not sure why, but I usually get more inspiration in moving vehicles. Something about it puts me into a more relaxed and focused state.
When you get the MTO course, the MP3 will not come with it. But you will get a full 2-day MP3 from me when you order from here.
It’s great for busy people who are always on the go!
Are you a speed reader? Do you understand and retain more when you read and re-read a book?
Reading the text version of Murder The Objection several times will give you additional "aha" moments.
When you try to memorize or review the key points of the seminar, nothing is better than reading the material.
You can also print out and use a yellow highlighter for your own presentation.
The text version of the 2-day seminar doesn’t come with the official release, but you get both the audio and text versions when you get it from my link.
Although the theory itself is great, nothing beats the real examples by Jason Fladlien & Wilson Mattos tackling every objection from recent webinars!
With this bonus, you will get to see them in action.
You will appreciate and understand Murder The Objection more after using this bonus.
This bonus is not just for fun.
You'll learn how to make sure everyone has a good time.
If you haven't heard Jason rap before, this is your chance.
Though it's available on Amazon & Apple, you won't be able to find it because he performed under a different name two decades ago.
But I will not only tell you the name of the band, but send you his whole album via Apple or Amazon, your choice.
Once you hear it, you CANNOT unhear it!
Though this was made when he was in his early 20's, I think you'll enjoy it.
He knew how to murder the objection at this stage of life already!
It's 55 minutes of pure entertainment.
One thing is for sure.
When he's on stage, he has only one thing in mind - to make sure everyone has a good time.
He does that with his webinar presentation too.
You'll get more insight and inspiration after listening to his music!
Many consider Jason to be the Webinar King!
Russell Brunson, for example, confessed that Jason was the one who taught him how to use a webinar to sell.
He made zero dollars before he learned about webinars from Jason.
This 4-step formula is based on Jason's now legendary Genius Webinar framework which you can use as your webinar template.
The 4 Step Webinar Framework:
- Discover a fill-in-the-blanks template that routinely gets 20%+ conversions on cold traffic in the most competitive niches... plus, Jason will reveal the "secret sauce" that everyone gets wrong!
- How to procrastinate forever... put together a webinar in the last minute... and still WIN BIG even if you start sweating bullets even thinking about speaking in front of an audience
- Why this approach has won the biggest affiliate contest in the history of online marketing and generated $100,000,000 in revenue for Jason - and how you can implement it in your business today
- How to reach and serve PROFITABLY the 20% of your market who spend 80% of the money... and more!
Here are some of the things you can expect from Double Your Productivity:
- Your most time-consuming task can be done in 1/4 the normal amount of time.
- Using his unique step-by-step process, you can effortlessly overcome obstacles and limitations in your mind.
- Includes a case study that details in step-by-step detail how Jason developed a product in two hours that brought in $7,000 only four days later.
- And more...
Jason Fladlien has helped countless businesses use and improve their webinars to the tune of six, seven, eight, and even nine figure wins.
For many online businesses, he is their secret weapon for marketing success.
For the first time, in his book One to Many, he makes his secrets publicly available to anyone who is willing to do a little work—to increase profits a lot!
How To Claim The Bonuses
Here's how to claim your bonuses, as well as everything else MTO has to offer.
Step 1: Clear Your Cookies
How's how to clear your cookies
Step 2: Use THIS Link To Order.
If you want to pay with your credit card instead of PayPal, read this PDF.
If you want to pay later in 6 months using PayPal credit, read this page.
Step 3: Send An Email To Nick
To request The Plan bonuses, send an email to nicksasakibonus @ Please use the subject line "Nick, please send me the bonuses" .
You'll be receiving your bonus information within 24 hours.
CEO at
Ben Robinson
The very next Sunday I was able to sell 117 people into a $15k program. If my math is right, that's 1.755, and I used exactly what Jason taught me. [..] I can't imagine a better way to spend your money.
Motivational Speaker
Deven Rodriguez
My business is in a different place because of the material I learned in the room with not only Jason but with people who were multi-multi-multi-millionaires.
Rachel Rofe
“I had a great time at Murder The Objection and got an ROI several times over from both the content and in deals I made with other attendees.
I always love learning from Jason - he's brilliant and has an approach that many other people don't. I love how he zigs where others zag - my mind was abuzz with ideas after the event and putting them into action has been very profitable.”
CEO at AGM Agency
Manuel Suárez
In the world of marketing, the person I admire the most is Jason Fladlien. So I jumped at the opportunity to be there for a couple of days - and it was out of this world, incredible value. [..] I am a co-founder of a supplement company that does 50 million dollars a year in revenue, and Jason was the one who started all this for me.
Chief Operations Officer @ AGM Marketing
Ollie Rodriguez
I got so much out of Jason's frameworks, his vocabulary, mindset, the mentality to handle objections... It was a great experience - I made new friends, everything was perfect, worth every penny!
Co-founder of ClickFunnels
Russell Brunson
"Jason's brilliant. Hands down, one of the smartest people I've ever met online... If you have a chance to learn from him, work with him, or have a new webinar created with you or for you, you should do it."
Exponential Growth Consulting
Jimmy Harding
"Jason had made a webinar page to look just like gotowebinar sign up page. So I used that... and I immediately increased my registration rate by 10%. Between that and the other improvements I'm going to make using Jason's methodology, that's going to be several million dollars. Not only in my business but also to my client's who I run traffic for because I'm going to help them."
OVI Traders
Guy Cohen
"My first 'Ultimate Webinar' effort converted at 17% by the end of the session to a mixed audience of non-buyers and third party names via Facebook and other Vs. More conversions are already happening today as we follow up with recordings, telesales and upsells."
Options Trading Expert
John F. Carter
"Last year I was traveling with my family in Italy, and I had to pass on a last minute JV opportunity. Jason hit me up on Skype and asked if he could do the webinar for me since I would have to pass. I thought, "why not?" When I got back from Italy we had 1.5 million in sales and a Tesla in the driveway."
DDO Health Law
Mary Jane Dykeman
"Jason can literally change your business in a few moments. I would have paid the $5,000 price just by virtue of this tool alone, which I won't show you too closely, because it's part of what you're going to buy, but every moment in the room has been that "aha" moment, and I can't say it strongly enough. You have to sign up. You have to purchase this and get to be part of this group because it will change your business, and the way you problem solve for your clients."
Email Copy Pro
Jon Benson
"We did 21% conversion the first time we rolled out... then we ran it to purely cold traffic and got 12 to 14% conversion... And that's a $997 offer but it's also $97/month after 3 months so you do the math on that.'
I’m considering buying but I do not want to clear all my cookies before ordering. That would cost me lots of time and effort. Why can’t I just clear the cookies for the specific site you need?
Hi Charles :-) Good to hear from you, and thanks for your interest. I know the Rapid Crush team pretty well, so if I didn’t get the credit for the sale, then I can ask them to manually credit me. Just let me know after you join MOT, so I can send your bonuses.